
Flappy Bird is set to comeback after 10 Years Where to play ?

The viral game of the gaming industry “Flappy Bird” is set to come back after 10 Years of going Offline.

In 2014 everyone from gaming industry gets a shock, a Vietnam based developer Dong Nguyen shocked every one by shutting down the viral game Flappy Bird, he pulled out the game from App Store and Play Store. He said: “I can call Flappy Bird a success of mine. But it also ruins my simple life. So now I hate it”. At that time Flappy Bird is making thousands of dollars in one day.

And now Flappy Bird is set to comeback in may platform including web browsers, and an iOS and Android version and this is planned to release in 2025.But this time Flappy Bird is not the original one which is developed by Dong Nguyen. This time Flappy Bird is from ‘The Flappy Bird Foundation”

flappy bird

How Flappy Bird is Launching Again

The Flappy Bird Foundation said the official Flappy Bird trademark has been acquired from Gametech Holdings they acquired the trademark from Nguyen ,the original game and character of  Piou Piou vs. Cactus, are also acquired by them. The Flappy was originally inspired by this mobile game.

Michael Roberts, the “chief creative” behind Flappy Bird’s return, said: “We are beyond excited to be bringing back Flappy Bird and delivering a fresh experience that will keep players engaged for years to come. We have big plans for our little Bird!”

Where to Play Flappy Bird

The Flappy Bird foundation already planned the release of this game this time they are bringing new challenges, new modes, new character and also multiplayer challenges means you can also enjoy this game with your friend.

and this time Flappy Bird is coming in web browser, iOS and Android platform from where you can easily install and play.

Kek, the developer of Piou Piou, commented: “Today is a milestone not just in gaming but for me personally. It’s so cool to see how influential Piou Piou has been for developers and hundreds of millions of gamers over the years. It’s incredible to work alongside such a dedicated team of fans and creators who are truly passionate about changing the industry narrative and together bringing the original Flappy Bird back to life.”

The Flappy Bird Foundation’s note to press has not mention Dong Nguyen anywhere and after Flappy Bird gone offline Nguyen hasn’t tweeted in years


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